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Main-Group Elements in Synthesis and Catalysis

The use of transition metal organometallics (particularly of precious metals) as stoichiometric reagents and as single-site catalysts in a large range of organic transformations is a major area of academic and industrial interest. One focus of our research is to use cheaper, more Earth-abundant main group metals in this area and we were the first to report a genuinely catalytic main group system in this area (Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 5000). During these studies we have uncovered a wealth of new chemistry, some of which is completely unparalleled in the area of transition metal chemistry (as example of which is the remarkable phosphorus insertion reaction shown below).
-Selected publications
  1. A chiral phosphazane reagent strategy for the determination of enantiomeric excess of amines
    Andrew J. Peel, Alexandros Terzopoulos, Rajesh B. Jethwa, Dipanjana Choudhury, Hao-Che Niu, Andrew D. Bond, Jonathan Slaughter and Dominic S. Wright, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 5398-5412; DOI:10.1039/D2SC01692C
  2. Direct synthesis of the 1,2,3-[C6H4PPP]− anion, isoelectronic with the indenyl anion [C6H4CHCHCH]−
    Felipe García, Robert J. Less, Vesal Naseri, Mary McPartlin, Jeremy M. Rawson, Maria Sancho Tomasa and Dominic S. Wright, Chem. Commun., 2008, 859-861; DOI:10.1039/B718425E.
  3. Group 13 BN dehydrocoupling reagents, similar to transition metalcatalysts but with unique reactivity
    Max M. Hansmann, Rebecca L. Melen, and Dominic S. Wright. Chem. Sci., 2011, 2, 1554; DOI:10.1039/C1SC00154J.
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